Chapter 2701 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep193
- Jarred from her brief fantasy diversion by Beth's question, Pam rolled onto her back, and felt her breasts jiggle beneath the tight confines of her shirt. She glanced down to easily see her erect nipples, silently cursing whoever took her bras. She still thought it was probably Beth, but the things she'd said about Amy weren't really that farfetched. Well, whoever the culprit, they were likely going to accomplish their goal, if it was indeed to maintain the sexual tension between her and Ron.
- Still, Pam knew it was her words that would matter most. Even if she looked to be straight from the pages of a pin-up calendar, if she was emphatic with Ron that the locker fiasco was an accident and there would be nothing even remotely similar happening between them ever again, then she was certain he'd behave. The more she thought on it, the idea of having no choice but to offer up a sexy image to him by going commando in these tight clothes, while at the same time jointly pledging that their remaining time together would be innocent and proper, might be devilishly exciting. And such 'innocent' teasing, capping off the incredibly titillating events of the day, will be the final naughty nudge needed to lead to some alone time later in the bathroom, where she will borrow Beth's toy and take the considerable edge off her rapidly all-consuming libido.
- Beth glanced at Pam, obviously lost in her thoughts, and continued to silently grind up the sensuvive tablets. She had decided they'd all take a dose of the fun drugs before bed tonight, after all, she wanted everyone to be primed and susceptible for tomorrow, and her most delicious plan for them by far.